Thursday, January 22, 2009

This is what I have been slaving over for the last week...

*Edit: I changed the color balance to show a closer version of the color of the painting. My camera takes very yellow pictures because of the flash. I need the flash because I am too shaky to take a good picture w/o.
This is my version of Sargent's Spanish Dancer.

I am working on a second painting that I think will that if it is not a diptych then at least be a sister piece. I am hoping for a diptych. I love diptychs. Both paintings are huge, coming in at 24" X 32." For watercolor, that is gigantic.

Friday, January 09, 2009


*Edit:This is an updated picture. I finally had time to set up my wonderful HP Photosmart C4580. (It's amazing!) I also finally installed photoshop on my computer not too long ago and now I am able to scan my paintings and let photoshop piece them back together. This makes a much better image because my photo-taking skills leave much to be desired. So after a very busy busy weekend of painting and the exhibit I bring you the new image.
This is a portrait of Joe. I did this one in three days. The portrait of his mom is a full sheet, this painting is a half sheet. I think this one turned out okay. My teacher said it was the best portrait in watercolor that he has seen come out of the academy. He really likes it, clearly. I like the way I painted. I don't think there is anything wrong with painting, I just don't like how I drew it. That's a huge problem. My other watercolor teacher has been telling me for a year that I need to stop being such a shitty drawer (not exactly his words, but it wouldn't be a surprise if he said it like that). I figured it would sort itself out, but I think I may have just gotten lazier over time. This also comes on the heels of working on a painting yesterday that I drew over the summer where most of the drawing is so wrong. I was very proud of that drawing until I looked at it as I was painting yesterday and noticed that most of the lines are very off. Granted, that was a semester ago, but I really haven't improved. I'm not patient enough.

Also, I need to scan this painting in because this picture is really too yellow. All the nice greens and blues are missing. I will try to fix that on Monday, but I am also going to be getting everything ready to enter two contests later in the week so I will be very busy Monday.


This is a portrait of Joe's mom. There are a few things that I really like about this painting, mostly in the face. I like the way I painted the eyes and skin tone. I don't like that I messed up on the drawing of the eyes and they are not on the same line. I also don't like how the nose is drawn because it looks a little sunken in. However, I do think I got a likeness and I would like to try this painting again.
This is also just a detail, the painting is huge and I really don't like how I did the rest of the painting. I just made a few bad decisions and did not have the time to really carry off a painting so large.